Thursday, 13 August 2015

Is it time for pass out yet?

In the 5 and a half months been and gone I've only had a few bad days.. I write this from my bed all on my own but hoping tomorrow night that will change. It's been a tough 5 days not hearing from Mike over text or on the phone. Just goes to show how much a text every day and a phone call makes everything so much better.
Mikes been in gailoch head on his final exercise and I can't believe we're so close to the finish line. 
I'm having a bad day, no motivation no nothing just on a constant go slow and utterly exhausted.
It doesn't matter that if he's home this weekend that I'll hardly see him due to work, all that matters is when I get home I know he'll be there waiting.
Every time I look down at my hand it makes me realise that I'm the luckiest girl alive and my prince is soon to become my king! 
Time for an early night so that tomorrow comes sooner. 
I can't thank everyone enough for support and positive wishes that we've both had over this time. And I'm sure that from September to Christmas it's going to be an even bigger challenge, but I've got a positive head on.. I would have done 6 months so I can do just 3 and then I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Love you all xx

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Chapter one is almost complete..

Wow, it feels like only yesterday that I was sat in the car dropping my then boyfriend off at Catterick. Here we are just 3 weeks left and I'll be making the journey back up there to see him pass out. We've gone from strength to strength and words cannot describe how proud I am of him.

This journey seemed like my worse nightmare and now it's nearly complete and we're ready to start chapter two. 
We sat and had a conversation for the first time in 5 months at the weekend about what he's actually learnt and what our future holds.

I feel incredibly humbled and lucky that I have the opportunity to go onto the next step of mikes life with him as his wife and get ready to make many more happy memories.. Not everyone gets the chance to be with their loved ones when they're posted abroad.

With just 2 weeks of leave between pass out and being sent to batallion it's going to be so overwhelming. I'm hoping to go and visit every month the place that I'll be calling home for 3 years and then before we know it it'll be Christmas and then our big day. 

Mixed with working a lot and wedding planning I've rarely had 5 minutes to myself to sit and think about what's what, all I know is I wish I could fast forward to January now, no more just spending a weekend visiting but actually waking up together every day and being able to sit down and have dinner together. 

My next blog will probably be just after pass out 
