He's done it! 6 long months of blood, sweat and LOTS of tears on my part, my boy is finally a fully trained Infantry Soldier.
4 and a half years ago when I met Mike and he told me one day he would go back in the army, I never believed him. Until last year when he began his application I never thought I'd see myself where I am today. If the last 6 months have taught me anything, it's how to love someone that's almost invisible, become the most selfless person in the world and to smile even when your crying inside.
There was never any doubt that Mike would make a fantastic soldier, so after being awarded the Best Recruit none of us were surprised.
After meeting his SGT on Friday he put me back on a high, finally someone else realises.. He told me that behind every soldier is a strong woman who holds the base and support of their soldier.. Also told me that after 4 years mike gets a bonus so I can have shoes, then after 8 years another one so I can have a new bag and then after 12 years another so there's my new car!
Just 10 days and its auf wiedersen for us as Mike flys to Germany to begin our next adventure without me for 3 months. My first visit for October is planned, providing that all is well and good his end!
The support has been overwhelming from all of our friends and family and it has definitely made us both realise who our true friends are, and who just want to know when mikes home on leave. We will always be forever in your debt!
It's always nice when there's someone that can relate to your life and understand what your going through as much as family and friends say they're always there for you, unless they're walking in your shoes there isn't ever really a way to describe it. I'm fortunate enough for Mike to have become very good friends with one particular lad in camp who will be joining him in Germany, thankfully he comes with an amazing girlfriend who I will always call my friend, who understands when I'm having a bad day and why I'm so down and I can't wait for you both to join in on our adventures!
Here's to the future, and here's to hoping for an incredibly successful career for my future hot hubby!