My life has just been one big whirlwind adventure! Soldier boys had his 2 weeks leave and is home most weekends. As I write this I'm having a nice deserved soak in the bath while he's fast asleep next door catching up on some sleep.
Still trying to get my head around the fact he only works Monday-Friday! Most weekends are spent visiting back home but this week he has a long weekend, came home last night and goes back Sunday.
Just 56 days until Mike passes out of Catterick as a fully trained soldier of the Princess of Wales Regiment! It feels just like yesterday that we took him to Yorkshire and dropped him off and I was writing my first blog..
Much to my surprise on Saturday 30th May, the last evening of Mikes leave we went for 'the last supper' and Mike got down on one knee and proposed! Here we are 2nd July the wedding is booked, bridesmaid dresses hanging beautifully in my wardrobe and my wedding dress on order, hopefully due to be delivered in November! Roll on 15th January when I get to marry my best friend and start the new chapter in our lives together.
I'm still working every hour that God gives but ready for some family time next weekend as I stand with my beautiful cousin and watch her marry the man she loves! Alfie bums now 6 months, almost crawling and has his two bottom teethy pegs!
I promise to now keep up to scratch with the blogging.. The only was is up!
Fab xx