It's been almost 2 months since Mike started his new life in Germany, and although he comes home every month or sooner if he can and the distance between us seems never ending, his absence makes my heart fill with more love each and every day.
There's never any advice I could give everyone.. It all comes down to how strong both people are and how much you both love eachother and want a happily ever after.
I spent months of holidays, presents and a 'normal life' to keep putting off the idea that things were going to change and maybe one day Mike would change his mind.. Here I am 9 months after his first day in training and I could never have wished for anything different. Yes there are days when I hate where we are and what we have to change, but then I question myself.. Where would we be? What would we be doing? Would we have become so strong? And would we still be as close as we ever have been?
If the army has given me anything, it's given me pride, taught me how to love harder and allowed me to marry my best friend sooner.
Although tears don't come as often as they used to, Sunday's and goodbyes never get easier.
I can't wait for my second trip to my soon to be home in a few weeks time and to try and fall in love with the new life Mike's going to give me.
I should really rename this blog 'Becoming a Miltary Wife'
- 74 days and counting..
Lovely, won't be long now and you can start your new adventure. Then the hard times will be leaving those in the uk behind. Many trips back and forth and Skype or FaceTime are a godsend. 😊Xx