Sunday, 1 November 2015

I hate sunday's..

Sundays are no longer a day of rest.. They're now days of goodbyes.

It's been almost 2 months since Mike started his new life in Germany, and although he comes home every month or sooner if he can and the distance between us seems never ending, his absence makes my heart fill with more love each and every day.

There's never any advice I could give everyone.. It all comes down to how strong both people are and how much you both love eachother and want a happily ever after.

I spent months of holidays, presents and a 'normal life' to keep putting off the idea that things were going to change and maybe one day Mike would change his mind.. Here I am 9 months after his first day in training and I could never have wished for anything different. Yes there are days when I hate where we are and what we have to change, but then I question myself.. Where would we be? What would we be doing? Would we have become so strong? And would we still be as close as we ever have been? 
If the army has given me anything, it's given me pride, taught me how to love harder and allowed me to marry my best friend sooner.

Although tears don't come as often as they used to, Sunday's and goodbyes never get easier.

I can't wait for my second trip to my soon to be home in a few weeks time and to try and fall in love with the new life Mike's going to give me.

I should really rename this blog 'Becoming a Miltary Wife' 
- 74 days and counting..

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Goodbye Catterick!

Goodbye Catterick.. Hello Barker Barracks, Germany!

He's done it! 6 long months of blood, sweat and LOTS of tears on my part, my boy is finally a fully trained Infantry Soldier. 
4 and a half years ago when I met Mike and he told me one day he would go back in the army, I never believed him. Until last year when he began his application I never thought I'd see myself where I am today. If the last 6 months have taught me anything, it's how to love someone that's almost invisible, become the most selfless person in the world and to smile even when your crying inside.
There was never any doubt that Mike would make a fantastic soldier, so after being awarded the Best Recruit none of us were surprised. 
After meeting his SGT on Friday he put me back on a high, finally someone else realises.. He told me that behind every soldier is a strong woman who holds the base and support of their soldier.. Also told me that after 4 years mike gets a bonus so I can have shoes, then after 8 years another one so I can have a new bag and then after 12 years another so there's my new car! 
Just 10 days and its auf wiedersen for us as Mike flys to Germany to begin our next adventure without me for 3 months. My first visit for October is planned, providing that all is well and good his end! 
The support has been overwhelming from all of our friends and family and it has definitely made us both realise who our true friends are, and who just want to know when mikes home on leave. We will always be forever in your debt!
It's always nice when there's someone that can relate to your life and understand what your going through as much as family and friends say they're always there for you, unless they're walking in your shoes there isn't ever really a way to describe it. I'm fortunate enough for Mike to have become very good friends with one particular lad in camp who will be joining him in Germany, thankfully he comes with an amazing girlfriend who I will always call my friend, who understands when I'm having a bad day and why I'm so down and I can't wait for you both to join in on our adventures! 
Here's to the future, and here's to hoping for an incredibly successful career for my future hot hubby! 

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Is it time for pass out yet?

In the 5 and a half months been and gone I've only had a few bad days.. I write this from my bed all on my own but hoping tomorrow night that will change. It's been a tough 5 days not hearing from Mike over text or on the phone. Just goes to show how much a text every day and a phone call makes everything so much better.
Mikes been in gailoch head on his final exercise and I can't believe we're so close to the finish line. 
I'm having a bad day, no motivation no nothing just on a constant go slow and utterly exhausted.
It doesn't matter that if he's home this weekend that I'll hardly see him due to work, all that matters is when I get home I know he'll be there waiting.
Every time I look down at my hand it makes me realise that I'm the luckiest girl alive and my prince is soon to become my king! 
Time for an early night so that tomorrow comes sooner. 
I can't thank everyone enough for support and positive wishes that we've both had over this time. And I'm sure that from September to Christmas it's going to be an even bigger challenge, but I've got a positive head on.. I would have done 6 months so I can do just 3 and then I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

Love you all xx

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Chapter one is almost complete..

Wow, it feels like only yesterday that I was sat in the car dropping my then boyfriend off at Catterick. Here we are just 3 weeks left and I'll be making the journey back up there to see him pass out. We've gone from strength to strength and words cannot describe how proud I am of him.

This journey seemed like my worse nightmare and now it's nearly complete and we're ready to start chapter two. 
We sat and had a conversation for the first time in 5 months at the weekend about what he's actually learnt and what our future holds.

I feel incredibly humbled and lucky that I have the opportunity to go onto the next step of mikes life with him as his wife and get ready to make many more happy memories.. Not everyone gets the chance to be with their loved ones when they're posted abroad.

With just 2 weeks of leave between pass out and being sent to batallion it's going to be so overwhelming. I'm hoping to go and visit every month the place that I'll be calling home for 3 years and then before we know it it'll be Christmas and then our big day. 

Mixed with working a lot and wedding planning I've rarely had 5 minutes to myself to sit and think about what's what, all I know is I wish I could fast forward to January now, no more just spending a weekend visiting but actually waking up together every day and being able to sit down and have dinner together. 

My next blog will probably be just after pass out 


Thursday, 2 July 2015

I'm on one whirlwind adventure

It's been a heck of a longtime since I've last blogged to you all!

My life has just been one big whirlwind adventure! Soldier boys had his 2 weeks leave and is home most weekends. As I write this I'm having a nice deserved soak in the bath while he's fast asleep next door catching up on some sleep.

Still trying to get my head around the fact he only works Monday-Friday! Most weekends are spent visiting back home but this week he has a long weekend, came home last night and goes back Sunday.

Just 56 days until Mike passes out of Catterick as a fully trained soldier of the Princess of Wales Regiment! It feels just like yesterday that we took him to Yorkshire and dropped him off and I was writing my first blog..

Much to my surprise on Saturday 30th May, the last evening of Mikes leave we went for 'the last supper' and Mike got down on one knee and proposed! Here we are 2nd July the wedding is booked, bridesmaid dresses hanging beautifully in my wardrobe and my wedding dress on order, hopefully due to be delivered in November! Roll on 15th January when I get to marry my best friend and start the new chapter in our lives together.

I'm still working every hour that God gives but ready for some family time next weekend as I stand with my beautiful cousin and watch her marry the man she loves! Alfie bums now 6 months, almost crawling and has his two bottom teethy pegs!

I promise to now keep up to scratch with the blogging.. The only was is up! 

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


It's been a while since I've posted but life's just swept me off my feet recently..
Times going so fast and it's hard to believe mikes been away for 3 months now (we're half way!)

Although he's home most weekends when he can be I still miss coming home to him everyday, I miss washing his uniform, cooking him dinner and running his baths.

A week Friday and he's home for 2 weeks so time to get back into some form of routine.

It looks like my home for the next 4 years will be Paderborn, Germany - although I'm nervous about upping sticks and moving away and becoming an expat I couldn't be more excited for this new adventure. 

Works go, go, go at the moment and preparations are in full swing for becoming a bridesmaid for my cousins wedding. So excited and I wish it would hurry up already! First things first is the hen do.. Which is a surprise!

Alfie's getting so big and every day he's changing, it's not going to be long and he'll be walking, talking and running riot!

Life's good and there are so many excited things coming up in the future..

If this isn't love.. Tell me what it is?

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Doesn't time fly?

It's that time.. AGAIN!

Waiting to hear if chaps has been given his leave, can't believe he's been in for 7 weeks now and thursday is his passing in parade and he gets his beret!

I'm so excited to spend 4 days with him and not have to worry about going to work the next day and losing special time!

The last weeks been real tough, the 7 weeks have flown past but this last week has dragged so much, we've both had a shit week and I'm determined to keep positive this week and exclude all negativity. I'm keeping busy when I'm not working and trying to spend as much time with family as I can. Alfie bums teething, Tyler's starting pre-school and there's another baby coming into the family (no, not us!) 

I've had a fair few inches cut off my hair, and I love it! Ready for a new season and a new look and most importantly no more hair in the face for the boy! 
I'm having my bridesmaid dress fitted at the weekend for my beautiful cousins wedding, I'm so excited I could burst! Little does Mike know a day of his leave is going to be spent looking for shoes.. I can't wait for him to see me in my dress.

I haven't got much more to blog about today, just that I'm blessed to have so many people that care about both Mike & I, and mostly to him for picking me up when ive fallen! 

Thank god for snapchat! 

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

I love leave...

My boys already had one set of leave at his week 3 and boy was it was hard. I spent most of the Saturday night and Sunday morning in tears but after lots of reassurance from my him I managed to enjoy what little time we had together.

Parents day up in Catterick was brilliant, I got to see what he's doing, where he's staying and talk to his corporals and seargant. I wasn't surprised to be told that he's settled in well.

I still live for my texts and phone calls every night. He's been in almost 5 weeks now and my hearts finally settling and the time we have together is so so precious.

In those 5 weeks I've truly learnt who my friends are, and they have been utterly amazing. And to some of those who I thought were friends have just faded into the background.

It's so difficult to try and fit everything in over 2 days and to see everyone but I'm hoping in time it will be easier.

After being told he may not be able to come home this weekend I recieved good news of a picture of mikes train tickets ready for Friday! Still haven't quite grasped in my head at how unorganised and last minute the army is.

Tomorrow will again be spent cleaning and washing ready for his lordships return! 

I'm so excited that I could burst, ready for some well deserved time together and to have a good chat about the future!

I'm so proud of you mikey boy each and every day x 

It's safe to say our wardrobe definitely doesn't look like this!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Last lonely blog...

As I lay in bed and look at the state of our bedroom (sorry babs) I have realised this will probably be the last blog before my boys home and then my left leg will be back with me where he belongs..

Where do I start?
He's had snow, rain, sunshine and frost but he's still smiling as always and giving it 110%. Slowly getting fed up of other people's mistakes and being punished for them however.

Gradually planning my journey Saturday with my 2 pals and I have to admit my first day off in a while and I need to leave the house by half 4 latest :-( but I'm sure when I see him in uniform it will be so worth it in my sleep deprived state.

Work is CRAZY I feel like I haven't stopped but it's made time flash Infront of me. Just 2 more day left at work and there nice days which makes it even nicer to wake up in the morning and look forward to getting up.

Sleeping alone has slowly grown on me and soon enough there's going to be a man in my bed.. But I think I'll like it!

I sometimes think oh he can't miss me he's a bloke they don't do all the soppy bollocks but I have to admit after the endless phone calls and text messages it's kept my morale high and realised that he does miss me and maybe sometimes I am too hard on both myself and him.

At the moment I'm hidden on the inside of his locker (no priveledges until week 7) but I'm happy knowing every day he sees us. 

I got sent this today and I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.. I love you pickle x

I'm already looking forward to my next blog, it will be a happy one for sure!!

Saturday, 28 February 2015

The countdown..

WAHOO! Just a week to go, 40 hours of work to get through and 7 more sleeps on my own, although the week has gone quick because I've been busy working, the days feel like they've dragged. 

Chaps described his over night exercise as 'glamping' my oh my how things have definitely changed in the army! He's only been there for almost 2 weeks and it's already showing the men between the boys. Had a quick Skype this morning and his hairs grown back, yippee! One of the other lads was stood behind him and chaps is definitely the best looking with the better hair cut! (Slightly biast)

My dads coming to stay for a couple of days whilst mothers in Scotland next week which will make my time go even quicker and I get to see my best friend up in Essex briefly to pick up Mitsy the Mitsubishi for my road trip. Never thought I'd be wishing my time away like this, I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve!

I hope that in the few precious days he's home, time will stand still, the days drag and I can make the most of my time with him.. 

Time to start getting my shit together and making sure that bedroom is immaculate! He's already told me he's bringing home all his washing (he knows where the washing machine is). 

This is what I miss the most...

PS, mum if your reading this please don't cry again! 

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Time is ticking past..

I haven't blogged for a few days, I've had a shit couple of days but hopefully back on the straight and narrow with my mind focused to a week Saturday. First things first a 60 hour week to get through! Works looking up and things seem to be changing for the better. 

My boys doing so good had a nice long chat with him on the phone yesterday he's out on exercise today/tonight camping out learning survival skills etc! Just 10 days to go half way is now done and he's back for 3 days. Looking forward to seeing around camp and how everything works at his family day, my best friend and a surprise visitor is coming up with me to keep me company on the long arse journey and to see what mr mikes been up to! 

I finally have an evening off work tonight so I'm going to have my nails done and then over to chaps parents for dinner and a catch up! Looking forward to a lay in tomorrow morning before 4 days of Lates begin! 

I've spent a fair bit of time with this little fella and it's scary at how quickly he's growing up. He definitely keeps me ticking 💙

Friday, 20 February 2015

I hope the next 25 weeks are this simple..

So it's been nearly a week and it's gone so well. I've been so busy working and balancing my time between clients and friends. My boss has been fantastic, and I've finally managed to sort all my leave out around my soldiers dates. I've also been put forward to do my NVQ Level 3 so something else to look forward to and keep myself focused! 😁

Got another phone call last night and it's so nice to hear him happy - he flew through his medical which is brilliant and smashed his swimming test. 

He's been given all of his uniform and webbing etc and spent 5 hours trying to iron everything Wednesday night! I have a feeling when he comes home everything will have to be perfect (saves me a job)

However he's 260 miles away and I'm still doing his bloody washing! I've changed our bed and put on my favourite duvet which mikey hates so I never get to see it u less he's away (this is a perfect opportunity!)

Tomorrow I'm at my best friends having a pancake party so lots of gin and fatty foods is my perfect combination. Looking forward to catching up with everybody over this weekend.

I'm feeling positive and looking forward to our future! 

Before he left this went up in our room, he's always with me! A very proud Boy of his regiment Princess of Wales aka The Tigers!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Some things aren't as easy as they seem...

I've decided to start writing about my experience with my boy going into the army to help me look back and reflect on everything in the future.

My boy went sunday and nothing quite hit me until we walked into barracks and I had to say my last goodbye. We were laughing and joking in the car on the way up. Talking about anything but the army I guess. Of course it feels like forever away but it's only 3 weeks until I get to see him again. It's going to be a little weird seeing him, I still get butterflies in my stomach after I haven't seen him for a week! His head is shaved and it's the shortest I've ever seen it.. Roll on passing in when it can be a little longer again.
Although I'm incredibly proud that finally after all these years he is rejoining and fulfilling everything he ever dreamed of, part of me hates the fact that if I want to be with him then my life is going to change in ways that I can't control. But this is the choice that I have chosen and I will never hold it against him. I know that our future will be more stable and we will have better life opportunities in the long run.

So it's only day 3 since he left and apart from a wobble when I got home Sunday night things are going okay, I've heard from him every day and had a phone call every night (the army aren't that bad...YET) I'm keeping busy with work and I'm overwhelmed by the support I've had already from my friends and family. However there's always those few who say you'll be fine Bla Bla.. Tell me I'll be fine when you've walked in my shoes.

Home is a little quiet and my beds a little empty but I'm sure it will all be worth it! 

I'm going to try and blog as much as I can (when I think about it) 

Photos like this keep me going... (Yes I know the hair is bad)